Scary season is upon us, and so is the first weekly showcase of October. Hold onto your hats, little ones, for it's a bumpy ride ahead. Well...only if you're reading this whilst doing the classic 'commuting by tractor through mud ridden rural path'.
1) @blightforge

First up is this sincerely creepy freak of a humanoid. Anything afflicted by Nurgle should be grotesquely scary, and this artist has truly conveyed that perfectly, through their wonderful paint job. Pairing grimy with expert talent, this model is seeping atmosphere as well as blood and puss. The glowing green eyes are the cherry on top of an utterly incredible cake. Looking through this artists page proves to be an incredibly humbling and inspiring activity, and one you should absolutely go and dedicate some precious time towards!

Next up is this chaotically metal freak of nature. I'm not sure why, but I find this model to also be rather far down on the creepy side of town. It's a complicated looking model, which has been painted to a wonderful degree, shining light on all the interchanging parts of metal and piping. Metal is always harder to master than cloth in my opinion, so it's a real treat to see both successfully achieved here. It would be beneficial for you to go check out this artist's page, and see what else they've got to show you!
3) @plasticziggurat

Third up is this fantastic take on an already fantastic Tzeentch model. Swapping out the existing, rather odd, head for the changelings hood, has added an air of mystery over the model. All Tzeentch models have that air, but this one has taken the biscuit for sure. The pale take on the colour scheme is one I'm also pretty fond of. And making the decision to base it on a set of weird steps, rather than the disc, just really tops it off beautifully for me. If you like this kind of style, you'll love this artist, so go check them out!
4) @sinaraipaints25

And closing this weeks showcase today is this beautifully colourful blue blooded dude. I'm a sucker for a good lizard, and this is certainly another one of those. With a fantastic job blending the blues and purples for the skin, contrasting against the orange scales, visual stimulation is immediately provided. I love the added detail of the colour of the feathers doing the opposite of the skin. And the little basing work adds a charming aspect to the model, tying everything up with a pretty bow. Go check out this artist for more!
That's it for this one, hopefully you enjoyed it! So much so that perhaps we'll see you at the next one! Make sure you do go through and have a look at the artists featured here today, for this is a platform to share the miniature art we all create! If you would like to be featured in the future, then please get in contact via or @plasticpreacher on Instagram.
See you next week!