Hello friends, another week has passed, and now here is another weekly showcase for your retinas to enjoy. Let's get stuck right in to save myself from repeating the same but slightly different words in a different order, to pass for a worthy introduction, yet contain no substance. But at first glance, you won't realise, and this will indeed look like a worthwhile paragraph, that totally isn't a waste of the last twenty seconds of your life.
1) @lyla.mev

First up today is Lyla and her beautiful and naturalistic take on a world that is often not. The basing for this model really is top notch, from the arrangement of the plants, to the waterfall, to the colours used; this might be one of my favourite bases I have ever seen, if not one of the most realistic. And obviously, the paint job here is immaculate too, with an expert use of NMM for the armour to achieve that warm brown gold tone, and lovely execution of highlighting. Go and have a look at Lyla's page for more wonderful work!
2) @bossecajan

Jacob is providing our next paintjob, in the form of this little retro dude. Taking a classic model, Jacob has painted an alternate scheme, utilising reds and yellows instead of green to great effect. Everything has been painted in an incredibly clean style, with more emphasis on the metal, causing it to look perfectly kept and maintained. The subtle detail on ensuring the brown cloak looks textured is a wonderful bonus, but my goodness, it's the eyes here that take the biscuit. If you like what you see, check out Jacob's page!

Next up is Daniel, with my favourite looking space marine I've come across. The striking green armour beneath the grey/blue/black cloak provides the perfect contrast to allow the paintjob to pop. To take that contrast even further, the effort and skill employed to create that thematic basing scheme is amazing. The OSL work applied on the sides of the exposed rock are also nothing short of amazing. Fantastic stuff and much more to be found on Daniel's page!

Finishing today off for us is Rob and his ghoulish looking pet gone wrong. Having just painted one myself, I know this would have been a joy for Rob, which is clear through his wonderful paintjob. Rather than going for a sickly pale skin tone, a beautiful shade of blue has been applied, balancing against the pink of the sinewy areas, and the dark brown for the fur. The detail on the face has been masterfully achieved, providing the focal point for the whole piece. Make sure you check out Rob's page for more of his work!
And that's another weekly showcase for all of you lucky rapscallions. It goes without saying that you should further check out the artists featured here and in every showcase, and show them the support they deserve. If you do, maybe I'll spare you next time from the 20 seconds of life I stole from you with that introduction.
If you would like to be featured in the future, then please get in touch via here, plasticpreacher@gmail.com or @plasticpreacher via Instagram.