Welcome back to the second entry in this small little series, showing you all what I've managed to paint each month. Almost all of the articles I write for this blog are about showing off others work, so these allow me to show you all what I have achieved.
This month was a bit of a chaotic one for me, what with losing my house and moving into a shed. That makes life sound fairly miserable, but I'm doing what I can to salvage a silver lining from this situation, and that means that from mid-March, I'll be pretty much painting full time as I've made a wonderfully cosy little painting studio in the space I have. I cannot wait for that, and so my workload should increase massively. Emphasis on SHOULD.
But until then, I'm not managing to finish quite as many paint jobs as I would like, but here they all are in all their acrylic glory.
What I Painted In February 2024
1) Tontorr

I started the month painting the biggest miniature (if it can even be called that) I have ever laid my brush upon. The Tontorr is from Para Bellum Games and I wrote an article on my experience that you can find HERE. He was such a fun model to paint, given the sheer scale of him, and I tried a few different methods of painting that I had wanted to try for a while. I painted almost all of the model using only dry brushing, finishing off the details and the orc crew by normal brush. The dry brushing technique ended up looking great, allowing for blending that I don't think I would have been skilled enough to pull off by normal painting, and it also saved so much more time too. Overall, this really was a very fun model to paint, and anyone that's looking for a big old dinosaur to have as a cool painting project, should definitely consider this big boy.
2) Varghulf Courtier

The next model I painted was the continuation of my slowly growing Flesh Eater Court force. Upon coming up with my colour scheme for them based upon the war band I painted last month, I have thoroughly enjoyed painting these guys more than usual. What's even more interesting is seeing the scheme start to differ slightly across the different sculpts. This particular model was a great size, and I had an easier time blending the crimson shade across the skin, and I think it's come out a little better than the smaller sculpts. This one also featured a little more sinew-y kind of areas, so I was able to use the same method I came up with for the big old Terrorgheist last month.
3) Abhorrant Gorewarden

It was only natural to keep up the painting of these pretty little fellas, considering how much I was enjoying them. So the next model I painted was this guy from the same FeC box. He was even more fun to paint, with lots of different details to work with. I was very cpncerned about the wings, given how flat the surfaces were. To be honest, I could probably do a little more to make them more detailed, adding veins or other detailing to give it a little more texture where there is none. I still may go back, but I'm generally happy with them for now. Perhaps my favourite part of this model though, was the work on all of the gorey details on that poor old mutilated corpse on the front of the rock. I had never worked with blood effects before, but my goodness I loved doing so, and now the future of my miniature painting might be soaked in blood from now on; sorry future plastic people!
4) Grand Justice Gormayne

Continuing the theme of delusional crack eheads, I finished up my FeC painting for the month with perhaps my favourite sculpt of all time. I mean, just look at this guy!? Wearing a wig of intestines, it's just such an imaginatively fantastic sculpt that oozes as much charm as it does blood from the innards. Of course, with my new found love for blood paint, I had to literally cover the intestines in blood, and have it sort of pooling down his book. I think this could have been my favourite painting experience on a model thus far, and the fact I painted him pretty easily within one day shows that fact off. I truly cannot wait to paint the next ghoulish fiend.
5) Lord of Plagues

In the last two days of February, I really pulled my finger out and made a start on a couple Nurgle models that were sat on my desk patiently. I went into painting this guy with no idea on colour schemes or styles, and just started applying different washes, blending with water as I went. I started to create this really cool looking, albeit very sickly, natural skin. I much preferred it over the almost synthetic green I've seen across the Nurgle board, and so I was set. I then applied some more crimson round the sore areas, and of course got out th blood again. I was in two minds over using a bright green to act as some sort of toxic sludge, but ultimately, my love for blood shone through. Thus, this absolute charm school was created. And yet again, I had such a bast painting him, that he took no time at all!
6) Rotbringer Sorcerer

On the last evening of this extra short month of February, this guy was sat half finished after completing the Lord of Plagues. I knew after getting home from work, that I wanted to get him finished in the last few hours so I could add him into this list. And boy was I successful! His colour scheme followed the previous model's very closely, only deviating on the amount of gore his skin contained. I then pulled out the green I was undecided on previously, on used it for the fire and slime. I think my favourite part of this model was probably the surprise head option. I've only seen him with the hooded human head, so discovering that I could turn him into even more of a freak, gave me great joy. And now I love his little bug eyed face.
That was all I achieved painting wise for February. Given how busy the month felt, I'm actually surprised I manged to paint this as much as I did. The last three models were painted in the last few days of the month, but I enjoyed all three more than anything over the last few months. I'm hoping that's due to experimenting with more techniques and styles, whilst slowly finding my own groove with painting. In a week, I'll have stopped working full time, and so almost all of my focus is on painting, so let's see how much I manage to get done for next months entry in this little series! I would love to see what you have all managed to paint for February, so please get in touch if you'd like to share such information with us all. If you don't, well then I hope there's at least someone in your life who can pat you on the back fro the achievements you have made. If not, just head over here so I can shake your hand firmly and whisper sweet nothings into your ear. If you would like to, then you can send via here, plasticpreacher@gmail.com or @plasticpreacher via Instagram.
Great work, that Tontorr!