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In Review: Conquest - Quatl by Para Bellum Games

Writer: plasticpreacherplasticpreacher

It's been a little while since I've written a review article, so when the opportunity arose to paint up another piece from the wonderfully cool guys over at Para Bellum Games, I jumped at the chance. However, I also decided that this would be a great opportunity for my somewhat co-worker, Teri of @thegloomspitegirl, to write up her first piece for the blog, as well as build and paint the model in question. A blessing or a curse for her? Who knows, maybe both. So a big thanks to Parabellum for sending over the model to review, and let's pass over to Teri now.


The Quatl was a model I was in awe of when I first heard of its’ release. I love anything prehistoric so when Parabellum Games said they were sending one that I could paint up for them, I couldn’t believe my luck! During the unboxing my initial excitement soon wore off, to be replaced with apprehension, as I realized the scale was much larger than anything I had ever painted before (This beast has a wingspan of 32cm). In the box you receive the

command card (which is supplied with every model within the Conquest range) as well as a two part base and the sprues to build the Quatl. It comes with an alternative head and rider; I always love having the choice of alternative build options. I also love how Parabellum have adapted the base to accommodate for how you play; A circular base slots inside a larger square base for either skirmish battles or a rank and file approach.

When it came to the building, I was very happy that the instructions were straightforward and

all of the pieces fit together perfectly, without leaving any annoying mould lines to deal with. I chose to build the Quatl with the head with an open mouth as he looked more threatening. It took no time at all to build and the quality of the build really is worth mentioning as it is so sturdy. Given the size of the model I found this really impressive. I am clumsy by nature and he has survived a couple of drops without even a dent; In comparison, I have had to make MANY repairs to my Warhammer models for smaller drops!

So there he was, built and ready to prime; He stayed that way for a good few weeks whilst I decided a colour scheme and approach. The box art shows a vibrant scheme with lots of freehand details and whilst this was something that originally drew me to the model, I was suddenly overwhelmed, due to it’s scale. I will be honest at this point and tell you that my

first attempt did not go to plan. I have spent a lot of time wet blending recently and thought this approach would work, but I couldn’t work as quickly as needed for the surface area of the model, whilst maintaining control and making it look decent. So, I had to take a step back and rethink. There are lots of fine details on the model and I really wanted these to stand out so I decided the next best approach would be to drybrush and layer the colours I had decided on; Allowing me to still blend but without losing any of those tiny details. Once I started with this approach it didn’t take much time at all. I was able to trial layering up colours that I may not have used together

otherwise, and the subtlety of these colours coming through really worked well. Once I was happy with the base layers I highlighted the tiny details in a bright pink, using freehand, to make them pop. I took a different approach for the Ork rider with the skull mask. I always enjoy painting bones and his feathered headdress gave me the perfect excuse to use the wet blending technique I’ve been enjoying recently on a much more manageable scale.

When it came to creating a base I went with a jungle/forest oasis theme. I like the idea of a lush undergrowth, where the Orks’ green skin would be camouflaged and the Quatl could ride high above, scouring the ground below for enemies. I began by laying down some flock

by Moonhopper Games (Moss Acre) that they kindly sent me to try. I found the depth of the green the perfect base to add to and it gave great coverage. From there I added some moss, green tufts, and scattered rocks, before placing some Gamers Grass Monstera laser plants in sporadic places. I used the same application for both basing options, so that the circular base can seamlessly slot into the square base, depending on how you want to play. I have always felt more comfortable with a circular base but enjoyed making something larger with adaptability, applying more effort to basing than I usually would, due to the size. You could really have a lot fun with it and make it more of a terrain piece. I think anyone playing Conquest should absolutely add the Quatl to their collection. He would be a formidable opponent for any enemy that you come up against.

Likewise, as a painter, I was really impressed with this kit and think anyone wanting to paint something on a larger scale should really consider this as an option. There are enough small details to remain in your comfort zone but the surface area of the wings alone is great for pushing you to try new techniques. It also has that amazing large base to have fun with, allowing you to get really creative with it and treat it like a diorama using all kinds of interesting terrain products.

On completion I am so happy with how it all came together and love how it looks sitting in my modelling cabinet. Thank you to Parabellum Games for giving me the opportunity to paint up such an amazing kit. If you are unfamiliar with the game Conquest, please check out their website and browse the growing collection. Don’t forget to use the Plastic Preacher discount code for 10% off any purchase.


Thank you Teri for your first piece towards this blog. If you don't know her, you can find her at @thegloomspitegirl over on Instagram. She contributes towards Plastic Preacher as and when she can, and it's great having someone on board who has a fresh perspective on miniature painting, due to her experience of being an artist, without having much prior knowledge to fantasy worlds, Warhammer, or miniature paitning as a whole. Go and give her a well deserved follow and say hey; I'm sure nothing would please her more!

And of course a massive thanks to Para Bellum for sending over this majestic beast for us to paint and talk about with you all. As always with this company, the quality of their models are fantastic, and as painters, always a joy to paint and admire the finished result. Para Bellum have always been wonderfully supportive and gracious towards Plastic Preacher, and so I am indebted to them for that. You can head over to their web shop to take a look at this fantastic beast HERE and learn all about the lore behind the Quatl, as well as the faction it belongs to; the W'adrhŭn.

If you love the look of the model and would like to grab it for yourself (which of course, how could you reisst?) then make sure you follow the link below, and use my discount code

'PP10' for 10% off your order!


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